Andrew Royce Avocat Nottingham

Andrew Royce

Lawyer in Nottingham

Andrew Royce Avocat Nottingham
Working hours
Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Key features

Nottingham NG1 5BS

SRA checked

45 years of experience

Does not accept legal aid


From 194 to 194

£10 million

Practice areas

Highly experienced Personal Injury Solicitor who truly cares about injured clients getting their health and lives back on track. Andrew qualified as a Solicitor in 1980 and since has worked for several respected firms, in both Nottingham and Derby. He has a very broad range of experience, from a variety of Litigation work, including Criminal, Matrimonial and Headed Probate and Trust Departments. Andrew even managed his own general practice for 9 years, where he did Conveyancing work in addition to his Litigation cases. His practice merged with Cleggs Solicitors in 1994, and became a Partner and Headed the Civil Litigation team. For the last 25 years, he has specialised solely in Personal Injury cases, and joined the Hopkins Personal Injury team in 2013. He is based out of our Regent Street Nottingham City Centre Office.

SRA checked

Registration number: 121707

Year of registration: 1980

Regulatory body: 1

pound.svg Pricing
Hourly rate: £194 to £194

Andrew Royce vous communiquera une convention d'honoraires précisant les modalités de sa prestation.

Payment methods
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
  • Credit card
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Andrew Royce
27 Regent Street, Nottingham, NG1 5BS

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