Maitre Stephane Gentili Avocat London

Stephane Gentili

Lawyer in London

Maitre Stephane Gentili Avocat London
Key features

London W8 7JB

SRA checked

Does not accept legal aid

Practice areas

Stéphane Gentili, specialist immigration solicitor for over 20 years with very high success rate of 97%.

We provide tailored advice in all areas of UK immigration, asylum and nationality law for individuals, families and businesses.

Our commitment to our clients is to use our knowledge and experience to explore all options to visit, work, stay or obtain the protection of the United Kingdom.

1998 – 1999 Legal Practice Course, Guildhall University, London

1997 – 1998 Common Professional Examination, Guildhall University, London

1992 – 1994 DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies), Institut du Droit, de la Paix et du Développement, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France in International public and private law including:

International business law
International private law
Human right law
Law of the Sea
International economic and development law
Humanitarian law

1991 – 1992 Maitrise (LLM), University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France

International public and private law

1990 – 1991 Licence (LLB) University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France

SRA checked
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Stephane Gentili vous communiquera une convention d'honoraires précisant les modalités de sa prestation.

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Stephane Gentili
Niddry Lodge, London , W8 7JB

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