James Tomkins Avocat London

James Tomkins

Lawyer in London

James Tomkins Avocat London
Working hours
Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Key features

London NW10 4UA

SRA checked

32 years of experience

Does not accept legal aid


From 325 to 325

£5 million

Practice areas
Legal specialisms

I am a Director at Hodders Law Limited and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution. I trained with the firm and qualified in 1993.

I am a Director at Hodders Law Limited. I trained with the firm and qualified in 1993.

I head the Litigation and Dispute Resolution department at Hodders. We work out of all of our locations and electronically for our clients based out of London.

Our department handles a variety of civil and commercial litigation as well has having a specialism for property and landlord law.

With over 20 years of litigation experience, I have a great deal of experience over a number of different areas of law and can provide practical expertise in litigation and dispute resolution.

SRA checked

Registration number: 162065

Year of registration: 1993

Regulatory body: 1

pound.svg Pricing
Hourly rate: £325 to £325

James Tomkins vous communiquera une convention d'honoraires précisant les modalités de sa prestation.

Payment methods
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
  • Credit card
Funding & Payment Options

Does not accept legal aid

Payment in instalments

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James Tomkins
50 Station Road, London, NW10 4UA

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