Carol Bedford Avocat Dorset

Carol Bedford

Lawyer in Dorset

Carol Bedford Avocat Dorset
Working hours
Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30
Key features

Dorset BH21 5HT

SRA checked

19 years of experience

Does not accept legal aid


From 175 to 175

£5 million

Practice areas

Carol has over 25 years’ experience in Conveyancing and Property Law both in practice and lecturing. Her special interest is older client conveyancing and providing a professional and personal service tailored to her clients needs. Carol is also a “dementia friend”

SRA checked

Year of registration: 2006

Regulatory body: 4


Qualified Solicitor

pound.svg Pricing
Hourly rate: £175 to £175

Carol Bedford vous communiquera une convention d'honoraires précisant les modalités de sa prestation.

Payment methods
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer
  • Credit card
View map
Carol Bedford
7 Manor Farm Business Centre, Dorset, BH21 5HT

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