Dean Smith Avocat Cardiff

Dean Smith

Lawyer in Cardiff

Dean Smith Avocat Cardiff
Working hours
Monday 08:30 - 17:15
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:15
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:15
Thursday 08:30 - 17:15
Friday 08:30 - 17:15
Key features

Cardiff CF24 5PJ

SRA checked

11 years of experience

Does not accept legal aid


From 192 to 192

£3 million

Practice areas
Legal specialisms

A highly motived team worker with a keen eye for detail and an ability to quickly assimilate numerous and complex facts in order to provide outcome focused advice and solutions. Articulate and confident communicator with excellent analytical skills. Recognises the importance of the services provided being informed by what the client wishes to achieve and the commercial context in which work is undertaken.

SRA checked

Registration number: 371793

Year of registration: 2014

Regulatory body: 1


LL.B. 1st Class (Hons) & PGDipLaw (Distinction)

pound.svg Pricing
Hourly rate: £192 to £192

Dean Smith vous communiquera une convention d'honoraires précisant les modalités de sa prestation.

Payment methods
  • Cheque
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash
  • Credit card
Funding & Payment Options

Does not accept legal aid

Payment in instalments

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Dean Smith
24 Neptune Court, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ

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