Frequently asked questions

  1. I’m a client
  2. I’m a solicitor/lawyer

I’m a client

Is it free to search for a lawyer or law firm on

Yes. Our platform is completely free to search, you don’t even have to register.

How do I find a lawyer?

Select the ‘Find My Lawyer’ link that is available at the top of any of the pages on our website and follow the intuitive prompts to show your requirements and preferences. This will return the most credible and available lawyers on the platform and you can simply scroll through their profiles and select your favourite. You can contact them directly by either choosing the call or email button and you can feel free to contact more than one lawyer to ensure that you’re satisfied with your end selection.

Do I really need a lawyer?

This depends on your legal situation and being able to distinguish which area of law your legal matter falls in to. The main branches are Civil law – which involves all legal issues that do not involve criminal activity or breaking the law, such as contracts, negligence, family matters, employment, probate, land law and so on; and Criminal law which essentially focuses on individuals and private entities who have committed offences which have impacted negatively on society and/ or the state – which may involve burglary, theft, arson and criminal damage assault, fraud, drug dealing and so on. Within these branches are various categories that lawyers may specialise in.

For more information on the categories within the law, please click here to find the most appropriate lawyer.

Does the platform just contain individual lawyers, or law firms too?

Both! Dependent on your preference, our platform accommodates for individual lawyers and firms.

What’s the difference between a lawyer, solicitor, barrister and conveyancer?

Lawyer: A person who practises or studies law, especially (in the UK) a solicitor or a barrister or (in the US) an attorney.

Solicitor: A member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. A solicitor may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

Barrister: A person called to the bar and entitled to practise as an advocate, particularly in the higher courts.

Conveyancer: A person whose job is to manage the legal process of moving land or property from one owner to another.

Once I’ve messaged a lawyer, how long does it take for them to contact me?

Response times can vary from solicitor to solicitor depending on their own internal standards and current workload. That said, it is very much in their best interest to contact you as soon as possible as they won’t want to lose you as a client. Remember, you can always reach out to more than one solicitor before engaging them.

Is my first consultation with the lawyer free?

We will highlight important benefits, such as Free Consultation time, on all relevant lawyers profiles so that you can easily distinguish between those that offer it and those that do not.

How much does a lawyer charge for their services?

We encourage all of our member lawyers to publish their rates on their profiles. Some may also offer alternative payment options, which will be discussed in more detail directly with your chosen lawyer.

What is a freelance solicitor?

A freelance solicitor is a qualified professional who does not work within a traditional regulated law firm. A freelance solicitor qualified for more than 3 years is able to provide reserved legal services to the public. However, those who are qualified less than 3 years may only provide non-reserved services to the public.

What should I look for when choosing a lawyer?

There can be many factors to consider when choosing a legal representative, but ultimately the lawyer you choose must fit your needs the most. The below is a list of details we suggest is included on our member lawyers’ profiles (where applicable), However, this is ultimately decided by the lawyer:

  • Does their expertise/field of law relate to your legal matter?
  • Regulation and membership status – Is this up to date? Are they insured?
  • Does their price fit into your budget or do they offer legal aid?
  • Location – Will this affect you? Do you prefer a local lawyer or not?
  • What do others have to say about this professional?

Is ‘legal aid’ available?

Where it is available, this will be clearly displayed on the lawyer or firm profile. Feel free to discuss this option when making an inquiry with your selected professional.

Can I contact more than one lawyer with my issue?

Absolutely. You may reach out to multiple legal professionals without cost or obligation to continue.

Once I’ve instructed a lawyer, how will I be kept informed of my case?

Once the lawyer has accepted the case, all correspondences will be conducted between the parties involved, that is you as the client and your selected legal professional as the lawyer. The lawyer will maintain communication via the agreed-upon medium.

Can I get free advice from a lawyer?

Yes! If our members provide free consultations, it will be noted on their profile – it’s free to contact our lawyers by phone or email, so don’t be shy!

What other clients are saying?

Using was quick and easy and was really valuable to me. This was the first time I needed a lawyer and was not sure where to turn. I found Qredible online and within a few clicks, I had a choice of relevant lawyers in my area with the experience I needed. I liked the filters and the photos of each lawyer (I’m a visual person, and it was reassuring to see the person I am appointing to represent me). Within minutes I had chosen my lawyer and booked in my free initial consultation. I’ve since appointed her as my lawyer and happy that she’s working on my case.” – Lucia Ferrari, London

I’m a solicitor/lawyer

Why should I be on the Qredible platform?

To win more clients! Our successful market-leading model provides a platform for our member lawyers to showcase their capabilities and reputation; which in turn leads to new clients for you – sister companies include ‘Mon-Avocat’ in France, ‘My Lawyer’ in Belgium and ‘Legale Per Me’ in Italy.

How do I get on the Qredible platform?

Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll take you through it step by step.

Does the platform just promote individual lawyers, or law firms too?

Both! Although the majority of clients prefer to search for an individual lawyer, there are some that like to search for a firm, so our platform accommodates both individual lawyers and firms.

What information should I promote on the Qredible platform?

Our customer support team will take you through this, but generally the more information you can provide the greater the number of clients you stand to win. Details generally include your professional bio, experience, memberships, practice area(s), description of your services, contact address(s) and opening hours, hourly rate, payment preferences, spoken languages and anything else that sets you apart from your competition.

How many leads should I expect to receive?

This will vary from lawyer to lawyer based upon elements such as profile content, practice area(s), geographical location and so on, but your dedicated account manager will work with you to maximise your opportunities. Our digital marketing campaigns are also robust and flexible enough for us to focus attention on those areas that require more support.

How much does it cost to be on the Qredible platform?

We provide two separate fees dependant on the profile you choose, either one for individual lawyers or one for the firm. Please contact us at [email protected] for further details on each.

Do the clients pay to search for a lawyer?

Nope! We want as many clients searching for you on the platform as possible, so it’s completely free for them to do so.

Should I provide my fees/charges?

Yes! According to The 2019 UK Legal Services Consumer Research Report, 77% of consumers are more likely to use law firms that publish their fees, so we would absolutely reccom=mend that you at least provide a min/max hourly rate.

What is expected of me once I’m on the Qredible platform?

We would expect you to treat the potential new client with respect, due care and consideration, as we’re sure you would with all your new clients. We’d also hope that you’d work closely with your dedicated account manager to ensure your profile is always updated and accurate and that you provide us with regular feedback.

How do you find the leads?

By streamlining data collected from SEO, PPC and our experienced digital marketing campaigns.

What other solicitors are saying?

1. Impressed by their unique and committed approach to promoting lawyers. Within a few days of putting our lawyers’ details on their website, we have received leads. – Peter Ambrose – The Partnership (Member Since Nov 2019, Conveyancer, London)

2. I have been involved with Qredible since it started operations in the UK. I have received enquiries directly through their platform. It connects you with the best lawyers. – Donald MacFarlane – SBP Law (Member Since Oct 2019, Commercial Law, London) – Watch testimonial on  YouTube

3. Being on Qredible has helped improve the online presence of myself and my firm. My profile can now be found at the top of Google’s search results. – Vince Adon – Broadlegal (Member Since Dec 2019, Commercial Law, London)
