Help with paying legal costs!


Over the years, the existence of justice and the standard judicial system has increased the nation’s state and make the lives of the oppressed better, hence making the world a better place. 

Everyone deserves a fair justice system; however, justice is not cheap to some individuals because they cannot afford to pay for it. To this end, legal aid was introduced. 

Legal aid is designed to help you pay for all or some of your legal costs as the case may be. You will be eligible to get legal aid if your income level is low compared to your problem’s seriousness.

Help with paying legal costs!

Cases where you can apply for a legal aid that will help with your legal costs 

There is a need to check your eligibility status for help with the court fees before you apply for Legal aid UK to avoid your request declined. You will not be compelled to answer all questions, except for the ones relating to your circumstances. 

Cases, where you can apply for legal aids, include: 

Your monetary situation

Legal aid is made available for those who are experiencing a financial crisis. For this to work out, there are several things to be considered which includes: 

  • Your present income 
  • The circumstances of your family. This encompasses the number of children you have.
  • Your cost and standard of living. 

Domestic Violence 

You are eligible to receive legal aid if you or your kids are in a forceful marriage against your will or when you are being abused physically by your spouse.  


You can ask for legal aid when you are being discriminated against, and when it threatens your existence and freedom.

When you have been accused of a crime that could land you in jail,

consulting a legal aid to take care of your legal cost is an option.

When you are taken to court under the Human Rights Act 

Every human has a right to life, and every citizen should enjoy the human rights act. There is already a provision of legal aid when you are taken to court under the human rights act. 

What are the types of legal aid available to you? 

There are two types of legal aid available for your help. They are for civil and criminal cases. 

The application for legal aid for criminal cases is always tested, but for legal aid applications for civil cases, they are not always tested.

Civil cases are cases that are mostly private disagreements between people or debate about government or regional services. 

For criminal cases, if you are arrested or taken to a police station, legal advice is free. You have the right to ask the police to call the duty solicitor or any other lawyer you know. Even if you are unable to get legal aid, you will get free legal advice regardless.

Also, if you are going to be questioned by the police, your solicitor must be there to advise you and guide you before and during the interview.

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How to find a solicitor

There is a need to find a solicitor to get help with the legal cost. There are ways to find a solicitor. While finding the right solicitor, there are several things to look out for:

  • Look for a solicitor who is fit and right for your issue.
  • Carry along every appropriate document to the meeting.
  • Prepare mentally and physically for your appointment 
  • Indicate and notify the authority if you are not happy with the solicitor assigned to you. 

How can I get help with legal costs? 

Through membership scheme

You can get help through a membership scheme. For example, if you belong to a trade union, they might be willing to offer legal support without a cost. And if they can not pay the entire legal cost, they might help with other legal expenses and other related expenses. 

Identify a law centre

The fact that legal aid is free does not imply that you will find legal adviser anywhere on the street. To find a law centre so that you can meet with a solicitor or a trained legal advisor.  

Ask for help from Advocate 

You can get a free barrister to stand in for you without a cost through Advocate. This is very essential if your case is going to a tribunal. 

Extraordinary trial funding  

Although legal aid is free, not everyone has a chance to get help through legal aid. Not getting legal assistance is not the end of the road; you can still get help through extraordinary case funding. 

This will be possible if you can find out how to apply for exceptional case funding.

Hire a solicitor that charges less 

The charges of hiring a solicitor are relative. However, the difference does not necessarily imply expertise and quality. 

Check for the prices of the solicitor before approaching one. You might be able to get an appointment with a solicitor for an agreed cost or even a free initial consultation.

Go for a ‘no win, no cost’ scheme; if available. Several solicitors offer a no win, no fee as a means of paying for civil cases. A no win, no fee scheme is a conditional fee consensus. The basis for payment is based on the ability of the solicitor to win the case. 

If the solicitor wins the case, then you are under obligation to pay the agreed fee that will be deducted from the compensation. 

However, if you lose the case, you will not have to pay the solicitor’s fee. You may have to pay for other expenses, though.

Action Plan contains valuable information that will be of great help to you. Are you looking for a legal aid UK solicitor, or are you contemplating hiring one? Look no further, here at; our solicitors would be thrilled to help you get justice and make your voice heard in the court.



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