Class Action: Finding Strength in Numbers
You’ve found yourself the victim of wrongdoing. You’re angry, out-of-pocket – incensed even. You want to do something about your maltreatment, the blatant disregard the culprit has for your feelings and well-being. But you can’t. Your fear is stopping you.
You’re not alone. We have heard countless stories of people burying their hurt, torment and losses. They feel that they cannot fight for their rights.
For expert legal advice on Group Litigation Orders (Class Action), contact a Litigation Lawyer now!
Entering litigation can be a daunting prospect for many, mainly when the defendant is a large and well-financed corporation. Still, you have a valid complaint, but your feelings wane in comparison to your opponent; your seemingly more robust and more financially lucrative opponent.
This David and Goliath battle is not a fracas you feel able to take on. But with the following advice and correct legal representation, you can even the battlefield and seek justice for your transgressions.
Read on to learn more about how Group Litigation Orders are changing the way people in the UK are fighting for their rights.
What is a Group Litigation Order?
You may be more familiar with the term ‘class action lawsuits’ or ‘collective redress action’ which are used in the United States.
In the UK, a similar form of litigation is termed as a Group Litigation Order (GLO). These sorts of processes are becoming more commonplace. They enable individuals, bearing similar grievances, to group together and lodge a lawsuit against a defendant.
Does a Group Litigation Order make things more complicated?
Simply put, no. There are many benefits to partaking in a Group Litigation Orders such as a sharing of experiences, knowledge, and evidence; as well as often diminishing risks and costs.
As class action lawsuits are currently not admissible in the UK, we are seeing consistent growth in the number of groups opting to use a Group Litigation Orders to litigate.
What sorts of issues can a Group Litigation Orders deal with?
Legally, Group Litigation Orders needs to be a group of two or more claimants complaining about the same issue. By and large, the issue does not have to be essentially identical, but it needs to fall under the same legal remit or caselaw umbrella.
Group litigation proceedings can be initiated on behalf of the following:
- Professional Bodies
- Private Individuals
- Shareholders
- Trade Associations
The two most common types of action are shareholder grievances and product liability.
Shareholder action is generally brought about by a group of aggrieved shareholders in response to the actions of their director. Often these actions will have resulted in company disrepute or a financial loss.
Product liability (also known as consumer action) is regularly in response to the manufacturing of a defective or substandard product which has caused injury or loss to the purchaser.
The action can be brought under the Consumer Protection Act if litigation is taking place against the manufacturer or the Sale Of Goods Act is against the vendor.
Key advantages of Group Litigation Orders
There are several advantages to approaching lawsuits in this way. They are becoming more frequent in the UK, much like they are in the United States.
After all, there is strength in unity!
Reduction of Costs
Costs are often a significant factor deterring people from pursuing litigation. When partaking in a Group Litigation Orders, the outlays of obtaining legal advice, investigative costs and fees associated with documentation can be spread across all claimants. This can, in turn, reduce overall individual expense.
Funding Arrangements
When partaking in a Group Litigation Orders, the risks of paying your counterpart’s costs are reduced. With the option for group litigation funding arrangements, the reduction of risk and expense can be a more favourable option for most.
Testing The Water
Test cases can be selected from within the pool of claimants as ‘trial runs’. All claimants can benefit from the findings and the decisions on those cases.
Benefit To The Legal System
Furthermore, Group Litigation Orders benefit the legal system overall as group actions are more streamlined and efficient than individual hearings and cases.
Helps Consumer Awareness
Individual complaints against popular and well-known brands can go unheard-of. However, when a substantial action lawsuit is held against companies, it can help raise awareness. Moreover, it also creates brand consciousness, therefore enabling future consumers to make more educated choices.
What can I do if I want to pursue a claim?
Remember that you are not alone. There are innumerable Group Litigation Orders cases that have run in the UK within the last decade that have demonstrated the efficacy of group lawsuits.
You will often find that once a group of complainants joins together, more will follow, but you will only know this when you take the first step.
It is worth reviewing online to see if others have been subjected to the same issues or treatment as you. Make sure that you keep copies of all evidence and documentation about your case.
If you feel that you should be included in the register for a particular claim, act now! Get in touch with one of our Litigation Solicitors.
Key Takeaway
We understand that if you are unfamiliar with any aspect of the legal process, the concept of taking on an opponent can be daunting.
Group Litigation Orders will offer you that added safety net if you are concerned. Diminishing the difficulties of individual claims, providing the collective strength of unity, and sharing of knowledge, experience, risk, and costs.
If you have any questions, concerns or queries about launching or joining a Group Litigation Order or Collective Redress Group then reach out and speak to one of our many Litigation Lawyers.
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