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All our legal advice articles

Employees: Are you aware of your rights?
Published on 29/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 6 mins
With there being such tremendous competition for many jobs, too often we focus all our energy on not only trying our very best to land our dream job but also on keeping it. The latter, however, can create unnecessary problems, often with their roots buried in fear of not wanting to do anything to upset our employer

Employee Status – A Guide for employers
Published on 29/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
As an employer, understanding employment law and the rights of your workforce is critical to minimise the risk of any employment-related problems. To get the best out of your workforce, having a good working relationship with them is essential, and if they all feel that they will be fairly treated

Life in the UK Test (LITUK) – A Comprehensive Guide!
Published on 27/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 8 mins
The Life in the UK (LITUK) Test is taken by non-British persons who have generally been living in the UK for a minimum of five years. Also, those who do not have permanent resident status, who do not have any time limit set on any visa.

Divorce Financial Settlement: What can my wife claim?
Published on 24/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 5 mins
When you decide to divorce or dissolve your civil partnership in the UK, there are a few different ways you can settle your divorce. You may settle your divorce by one of you agreeing to pay the other a lump sum of money, divide matrimonial assets or pay ongoing spousal maintenance

How to apply for British Citizenship?
Published on 23/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
Applying for British citizenship is an exciting new frontier for many. No matter where you come from or what your life experiences have been, re-establishing yourself as a part of British society can be a powerful and life-changing experience.

What is Capital Gains Tax?
Published on 23/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 2 mins
In the United Kingdom, like many countries, there is a very complicated tax system, a series of levies imposed upon both individuals, businesses and organisations. These levies are payments that have to be made the government via Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC)

Grandparents’ Rights: Want access to your grandchild?
Published on 22/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 6 mins
In the UK, many grandparents have an essential role in supporting their grandchildren's upbringing. They collect them from school, take them for days out, have them for sleepovers, and some even live in their home.

50 Shades Too Far – Enough Is Enough!
Published on 22/07/2020, by Qredible | Reviewed by Dr. Donald Macfarlane - Reading time: 4 mins
In criminal defences, the so-called "consent of sexual gratification defence" known publicly as the 'Rough Sex Defence' is a frequent defence in criminal proceedings. Essentially, a defendant argues that an injury or death occurred because of injuries...

Discrimination at work: Types and compensation
Published on 22/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 8 mins
In today's society, we enjoy working with a melting pot of different people of all backgrounds and abilities. Having a diverse team has many advantages, and the mix of different people creates a supportive and positive environment.

Do you really need a TV licence?
Published on 21/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
It is also a more stringent a rule than many believe as you do not have to be caught watching the TV without a TV licence, merely having a TV connected to an aerial is sufficient. Whether you have ever watched the TV is irrelevant.

Discrimination: 4 types every employer needs to know!
Published on 17/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
Discrimination is a widely known phenomenon that refers to the unfair treatment of one individual or group over another. All types of discrimination are unlawful under the UK Equality Act of 2010, and all employers must comply with this law.

Workplace discrimination: Complete guide
Published on 16/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 7 mins
Discrimination in the workplace occurs when certain prejudices happen in the workplace that centres around the nine protected characteristics. The Equality Act 2020 outlines nine characteristics a person may have that are protected by law if you were to experience discrimination.

Paedophile hunters evidence can be used in prosecutions
Published on 16/07/2020, by Qredible | Reviewed by Dr. Donald Macfarlane - Reading time: 4 mins
The UK's Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that evidence from so-called "paedophile hunter" groups can be relied upon in criminal proceedings and does not infringe upon one's right to a private life under Article 8 of the ECHR.

How to apply for British naturalisation?
Published on 15/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
Naturalising as a British citizen is a big decision and a very costly process. If your application is unsuccessful, you will not receive a refund for the outlays involved. So you must get it right the first time! Read on for everything you need to know about applying for British naturalisation...

What is the debt collection process?
Published on 13/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
Debt can put someone in an embarrassing, stressful or difficult situation. It does not discriminate. It can, and does, affect everyone - unemployment, divorce, illness, bad decisions or merely an inability to manage your money.

What is the Windrush Scandal?
Published on 13/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
You have to go back over half a century to understand fully what the Windrush scandal is all about. To put it bluntly, the Windrush scandal is not one of the UK parliament’s finest hours when placed in the context of human right

What is defamation?
Published on 09/07/2020, by Qredible - Reading time: 4 mins
Freedom of speech and having the liberty to express an opinion is important to most of us. Nevertheless, in some circumstances, comments can be hurtful, misconstrued and damaging to reputation. Defamation ( Article 19) is defined as "the act of damaging someone's reputation...

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